Low Clouds

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist of stratus and stratocumulus clouds, while cumuliform clouds include cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds. The cloud base heights vary according to the warm or cold regions. For example, the cloud base of low clouds is lower in polar regions than at the equator.


An instrument used to measure the speed, force, and sometimes the direction of the wind. It can be cup or pressure tube anemometers....

Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...

A weather system refers to the movement of warm and cold air across the globe, usually in a recurring pattern. Systems can...

An anvil is a cloud mostly composed of ice particles. Otherwise known as a cumulonimbus cloud, an anvil has reached the stratospheric...

Frozen drizzle is a dangerous type of frozen rain. It’s a light rain that falls in very fine drops, which freezes on contact...

Jet streams are strong, fast-flowing air currents in the upper levels of the atmosphere. They form when warm air masses meet...

A blizzard is a storm that lasts 3 hours or more, with persistent winds/frequent gusts of 35 mph or more along with significant...

The horizontal transport of any feature within the atmosphere due to the movement of air (wind). This includes phenomena...

The narrow region between 35-40 ° N and S latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, lying between the tropical...

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