What is Frozen Drizzle?

Frozen drizzle is a dangerous type of frozen rain. It’s a light rain that falls in very fine drops, which freezes on contact with the ground or an object near the ground. It forms a glassy surface on the object or ground at the point of freezing.


Jet streams are strong, fast-flowing air currents in the upper levels of the atmosphere. They form when warm air masses meet...

Perhaps you have come across them, maybe you are seeing them for the first time. These clouds, known as wave clouds, resemble...

Nor'easter is a meteorological event commonly observed in the Northeastern United States and typically occurs during the...

The situation where there is no advection because the constant pressure surfaces and temperature surfaces in the atmosphere...

A weather system refers to the movement of warm and cold air across the globe, usually in a recurring pattern. Systems can...

Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark, gray clouds associated with rainy and gloomy days that block the Sun. These clouds,...

A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure, used to identify high and low-pressure systems.

A rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, capable of causing significant damage.

A cold core high is a high-pressure system with cold air at its center. These systems are typically associated with clear...

A low-pressure area with converging winds, rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern...

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