What is Avalanche?

A sudden and rapid flow of snow masses accumulated on the slopes of mountainous areas under the influence of gravity or a triggering external force; a large snow mass that grows as it flows and may contain ice and stones.


Cloud or rain droplets containing pollutants, such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, to make them acidic.

Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist...

The term used for semi-stationary high-pressure centers such as the Azores and North Pacific Highs, which occur in the narrow...

A closed low, also known as a cut-off low, is a low-pressure system that is entirely isolated from the main atmospheric circulation...

A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure, used to identify high and low-pressure systems.

The state of the atmosphere when it contains the maximum amount of water vapor possible at a given temperature and pressure.

Observation of the sky from the observer's location where there are no clouds, and there is no obstruction to visibility....

An instrument used to measure the speed, force, and sometimes the direction of the wind. It can be cup or pressure tube anemometers....

Air laden with sand and dust, common in areas devoid of permanent vegetation, especially deserts.

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