What is Aerodynamics?

The branch of science dealing with the laws of motion of air or other gases.


Ice forms on the surface of highways in a very thin layer that is difficult to distinguish from the color of the asphalt...

The jet stream forming the boundary between tropical air and sub-tropical air, characterized by isothermal compression and...

Weather intelligence is technology that provides predictive and actionable insights, allowing businesses to adapt to weather-related...

The horizontal transport of any feature within the atmosphere due to the movement of air (wind). This includes phenomena...

The percentage of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.

A tropical cyclone with sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour, characterized by a central eye, strong winds, and...

An image on the weather radar that is convex to the direction of movement and resembles an arc shape, caused by mesoscale...

A cloud that develops from Cirrus, completely or partially covering the sky, creating a halo effect, thin, sheet-like, milky...

A weather warning means that a weather hazard is occurring, imminent, or likely. In other words, severe weather is happening...

A sudden and rapid flow of snow masses accumulated on the slopes of mountainous areas under the influence of gravity or a...

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