What is Advection?

The horizontal transport of any feature within the atmosphere due to the movement of air (wind). This includes phenomena such as temperature and humidity advection. In simple terms, it is the horizontal movement of heat from one region to another.


A rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, capable of causing significant damage.

The situation where there is no advection because the constant pressure surfaces and temperature surfaces in the atmosphere...

The term 'cloudy' refers to weather conditions characterized by a significant amount of cloud cover in the sky. This may...

The belt between 50-70 ° N and S latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, adjacent to the Polar Region. Although...

The occurrence of storms resulting from the horizontal advection of cold air at high levels or the horizontal advection of...

Large, fluffy white clouds with flat bases, typically indicating fair weather, though they can develop into storm clouds...

The large-scale movement of air that distributes heat and moisture around the Earth, influencing weather patterns and climatic...

The amount of radiation, heat, or light passing through or flowing from a unit area of a surface.

A weather front where two air masses meet but neither is strong enough to move the other, often resulting in prolonged periods...

The decrease in temperature with height in an adiabatically rising air parcel (lapse rate). For dry air, this value is 1...

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