What is Adiabatic Process?

A thermodynamic change process in the system without any exchange of heat or transfer of energy between systems. This process involves compression due to heating and expansion due to cooling.


A weather front where two air masses meet but neither is strong enough to move the other, often resulting in prolonged periods...

A cold core low is a low-pressure system where the coldest temperatures are found near the center. These systems are often...

A cold front is the leading edge of a cold air mass that replaces a warmer air mass. It is typically associated with sudden...

Nor'easter is a meteorological event commonly observed in the Northeastern United States and typically occurs during the...

A measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is combined with the actual air temperature, often referred to as the...

Güneş ışığının geçmesine izin verip ısının atmosferden kaçmasını engelleyen karbondioksit ve metan gibi sera...

Weather conditions are the components that comprise the state of the atmosphere. The six main weather conditions are temperature,...

A small, intense downdraft that produces damaging winds at the surface, typically lasting a few minutes and often associated...

The names given to the winds blowing from the four cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west - N, E, S, W) on a compass.

The temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture and water vapor begins to condense into liquid form, leading...

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