What is Adiabatic Process?

A thermodynamic change process in the system without any exchange of heat or transfer of energy between systems. This process involves compression due to heating and expansion due to cooling.


A blizzard is a storm that lasts 3 hours or more, with persistent winds/frequent gusts of 35 mph or more along with significant...

Güneş ışığının geçmesine izin verip ısının atmosferden kaçmasını engelleyen karbondioksit ve metan gibi sera...

The lowest level of a given cloud or cloud layer in the atmosphere, relative to the observer's position above the ground.

Perhaps you have come across them, maybe you are seeing them for the first time. These clouds, known as wave clouds, resemble...

Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

A thermodynamic change process in the system without any exchange of heat or transfer of energy between systems. This process...

The scientific study of climate, focusing on the analysis of long-term weather patterns and trends over time.

Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air cools and changes into liquid water. This process is crucial...

A cloud of irregular appearance, composed of irregular cloud fragments.

A cold core low is a low-pressure system where the coldest temperatures are found near the center. These systems are often...

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