What is Adiabatic Gradient?
The decrease in temperature with height in an adiabatically rising air parcel (lapse rate). For dry air, this value is 1 °C per 100 m. For moist air, this value can drop to 0.4 °C.
The heating of the Earth by the sun causes daily changes in both the direction and speed of the wind. During the day, ground...
A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist...
The horizontal transport of any feature within the atmosphere due to the movement of air (wind). This includes phenomena...
An anvil is a cloud mostly composed of ice particles. Otherwise known as a cumulonimbus cloud, an anvil has reached the stratospheric...
A cold core high is a high-pressure system with cold air at its center. These systems are typically associated with clear...
The percentage of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.
A blizzard is a storm that lasts 3 hours or more, with persistent winds/frequent gusts of 35 mph or more along with significant...
The formation of ice crystals on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing, typically overnight, causing potential...
A prefix used in cloud nomenclature to describe middle-altitude clouds that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet, such as altostratus...
Coastal flooding occurs when water from the ocean, sea, or large lakes inundates land areas along the coast, usually due...
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