Protecting Solar Power Systems from Weather Hazards

Discover how AI-driven weather forecasting solutions tackle challenges like snow, ice, and storms to ensure reliable solar power generation and sustainability worldwide.

Our Solutions Against Snow, Ice and Hail-Difficulties in Solar Energy

Solar power is expanding around the world as a critical part of the clean energy transition. According to the IEA report, China is leading the growth in renewable energy capacity, while the European Union and the United States are showing a balanced increase. In 2023, global solar capacity grew by 87 per cent, reaching 447 GW, and this growth is projected to continue.

This potential brings with it the need to develop innovative solutions to address risks from meteorological events while supporting the renewable energy transition. While this potential supports the renewable energy transformation, it also reveals the need to develop innovative solutions against the risks posed by meteorological events such as snow, ice and hail. Buluttan adds value to the industry with artificial intelligence-supported solutions to overcome these challenges.

Solarpower Europe Graph

SolarPower Europe, "Annual Solar PV Installed Capacity 2000-2023", 2024.

Solar Power

International Energy Agency (IEA), Renewables 2023, p.16

Profit Accumulations Reducing Productivity

Heavy snowfall covers the surface of solar panels, preventing sunlight from reaching the panel and can cause serious losses in energy production. It becomes a major problem for solar power plants, especially in regions with harsh winter conditions in Canada and in places with heavy snow accumulation such as the Alps in Europe. Snow accumulation can reduce the energy production of the panels by up to 50%. This can lead to operational costs for cleaning the panels and disruptions in energy production.

Solar panels under snow
Photo by Canva

Icing The Hidden Danger Stopping Energy Production

Icing, which is frequently encountered in rural areas of Northern Europe or cold regions of Central Asia where frost events are frequent, can form on the surface of solar panels and completely stop energy production. In addition, prolonged icing can cause wear and tear on system components, increasing maintenance costs and posing safety risks.

Risk to Energy Systems Thunderstorms

An event is a meteorological phenomenon that causes extreme events such as rain, wind gusts, hail, lightning and thunder. These extreme events can cause interruptions in power generation and damage to system components. Thanks to Buluttan's artificial intelligence-powered forecasting and nowcast services, you can learn the risks of orchage in advance, manage energy production risks and manage your costs easily. 

Management of Meteorological Risks: Buluttan's Solutions

Meteorological challenges are one of the biggest challenges for the renewable energy sector. However, it is possible to manage these risks with the right tools and strategies. Buluttan offers effective solutions to these problems with artificial intelligence-supported weather forecasting models developed for the energy sector:

  • Snow Risk Management: Optimise operational planning by predicting snowfall and accumulation. By cleaning your panels on time, you can maintain energy production without interruption.
  • Icing Forecast: Prevent energy loss and system damage caused by icing by identifying frost events early.
  • Oraj Risk Management: You can manage energy production risks and protect your systems by identifying Oraj risks.

Let's Work Together for More Efficient and Safer Systems

We are at your side to minimize the impact of meteorological conditions on your solar energy systems and make your energy production processes safer. Contact us to learn about our customised solutions for your business and let's support your sustainable energy goals together.

Energize Sustainability

Boost your renewable energy outputs with predictive weather intelligence, optimizing performance and green investment returns.

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